DMV DIY - In Jami's downtime, he creates custom furnishings.
Pictured above: Live edge lumber coffee table made Summer 2018. Crafted from cherry wood sourced in Leesburg from Herbine Hardwoods. Hand-welded custom hairpin legs made with American Steel.
DIY Doorbell Ideas
Frustrated by a lack of options for doorbell covers on your interior wall transformer/doorbell chime box? Here is an easy, inexpensive way to customize yours for a fraction of the cost of an off-the-shelf one from a big box store.
In the example here, Jami was able to simply go over the existing cheap plastic wall mounted box above the coat closet with a few simple steps.
Check Etsy, thrift stores, etc. for unique metal (really any material) box that has your approximate dimensions. The box pictured is an antique art deco Canco tea tin that has a charming design and slight patina. Best of all it matches the décor of the home it is in.

Measure existing space
Purchase appropriate size replacement door chime cover box
Clean all materials surfaces
Glue magnet to existing box
Cut away/remove back from new chime cover and deburr rough edges--If needed cut width as well to your satisfaction
Laminate attracting magnet side towards the magnet it will mount to